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U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Source Information
U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2015;
Source ID
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Catherine A
Marilyn Loraine Abraham
Paul J Abraham
Charles W Adams
Chloa O Adams
Nellie Jane Adams
Cora A. Adamson
Floyd Herbert Adamson
Jesse J Adamson
Lottie Luzena Adamson
Wilson Virgil Adamson
John Keith Aichele
Nadine Louise Aichele
James Davis Albright
Mary Ellen Albright
William Edward Allen
Victoria Ann Alles
Josephine Ann Allmandinger
Martin William Allmandinger
Wilbur Leo Alvey
Harold Erling Amli
Elsie Anderson
Charles Ronald Anthony
George Wesley Anthony
Edmund Apple
Jada A Apple
Lee A Apple
Lowell Warren Apple
Vernie Lorraine Armstrong
Marilyn Ballard
Joanne Bancroft
Dorothy Hilda Barnes
Leona Vellett Barter
Helen Gladys Bartlett
Augusta Helena "Gustia" Bauer
Donna Jean Bauer
Eugene Marcellus Bauer
Frank Joseph Bauer
Peter Bauer
Robert Elwood Beach
Elizabeth Jane Beaman
Luther Edward Beaman
Emma Beard
Mary R Beecher
Minerva Belcher
Roy Carl Belford
Nellie Jane Bennett
George Louis Bero
Dorothy Louise Bevel
Charles Foster Bishop
Paul Dean Bitts
Roy Dean Bitts
Alma A Bizzell
Geneva Jane Blackburn
Roscoe Blackburn
Ada C Blackmer
Donald Dean Blood
James Joseph Bloomfield
James Joseph Bloomfield, Junior
Catherine E. Blosser
Joanne Louise Blue
Elizabeth Blum
John Blum
Irene Bobish
Cecil Eugene Boes
Cecil Roy Boes
Garold Bolar
Leroy Bolar
Thomas Leo Bolar
Madelyn Marie Boren
Marian Bosley
Genevieve Catherine Bower
Robert Turrell Bower
Esther Naomi Bowers
Harry Anton Boyer, Jr
Donald Campbell Brabston
Anna Elliott Bradley
Katharine Noreen Braun
Theodore Friedrik Braun
Kathryn Frances Brechbill
Grace C Breneman
Jennie Viola Breneman
Bertha B Bricker
Elizabeth M. Bricker
Lora I Brink
Margaret Serena Brock
Wanda Faye Brook
Ava M Brown
Bert Arthur Burbridge
Earl Watson Burbridge
Louella Burbridge
Lynn L Burbridge
Nellie Mae Burbridge
Robert Earl Burbridge
Robert J Burbridge
Cecil A Burgen
Vermonta Victoria Butler
Martha A Calhoun
Alma June Cameron
Anna Belle Campbell
Vivien Canon
Daniel Keister Capp
Carolyn Kay Carlile
Doris Vivian Carlile
Earl Marvin Carlile
Earl William Carlile
Farrell Francis Carlile
Francis Willard Carlile
George Edwin Carlile
Gladys G Carlile
Jeanne Phyllis Carlile
John Henry Carlile
Lloyd Elmer Carlile
Milford Eften Carlile
Willard Glen Carlile
John Henry Carlyle
Donald Archibald Carmichael
Geneva Carroll
Dorothy LaVerne Carson
Ellis Ellwood Cashman
James Patrick Casper
John Milton Chisham
Kenneth Forbes Chisham
Sarah Delia Claus
Elizabeth Jane Clements
Mary Natalie Clerico
Ada B. Coble
Ada Elizabeth Coble
Alice Mary Coble
Ella Risser Coble
Elva Mae Coble
Erma Coble
Paul L. Coble
Paul Rollin Coble
Robert Arthur Coble
Robert George Coble
Walter Ressler Coble
George William Coffman
Doris June Coleman
Earl Coleman
Frank Newman Colwell
Frank Robert Colwell
Gilbert Lee Colwell
John Raymond Colwell
William Dean Colwell
Alice E Conrad
Alma Marie Conrad
Burel Dennis Conrad
Joseph Conrad
Ora Hazel Conrad
Jocella Minnie Cook
Everett Noble Coolman
Mary Jane Coolman
Thomas Carlysle Coolman
Thomas Miller Coolman
Adaline Annie Cooper
Maybelle Elizabeth Corbin
Robert John Corbin
Dean Hamlin Corbitt
Jesse Glenn Corbitt
Cordelia Cornwell
Mary Martha Cotterell
Loretta M. Coughlin
Robert Woodrow Courtleigh
Patrick Garner Cox
Glen Hillard Coy
Homer B Crabtree
Lucian Wayland Crabtree
Bernice Vivian Cram
Dorothy Irene Cram
Betty Rheadon Crecelius
Charlotte Louise Cresson
Margaret Elizabeth Cresson
Philiar Yelliott Cresson
Robert William Cresson
Robert William Cresson
Alice Mae Crum
Frances Jane Crum
Alvin Elliott Culbertson
Marvel L Culbertson
Fred Stonewall Cunningham
Wayne Frederick Cunningham
Mildred Irene Daniels
Donald Elmo Darrah
Rollie Emel David
Fredrick Joseph Deiser
John G. Deiser
Mary F "Sister M. Andrina" Deiser
Patricia Jean Deiser
Rita Angela Deiser
Fern B Dell
Anne Rebecca Denny
Arnold R Denny
Arthur W Denny
Betty Lou Denny
Coleen Denny
Darrest Albert Denny
Etta Loraine Denny
George Olen Denny
Joan Marie Denny
John Albert Denny
Luella Jane Denny
Marie Emma Denny
M.M. Denny
Mary Catherine Denny
Orin Verness Denny
Pauline M Denny
Richard Wayne Denny
Robert William Denny
Verda Alene Denny
Waymothe Ellen Denny
William Emery Denny
William Michael Denny
Helen Anna Denton
Gerald Frank "Jerry" DePover
Gerald Livingston DePover
Homer Davis DeWeese
Mary Jane DeWeese
Patricia Anne DeWeese
Geraldine Elizabeth Dibeler
Mary Jane Dibeler
Percy Dibeler
Charles Louis Diegel
Wilma Marie Diegel
Denny Louise Dinsmore
George Thomas Dinsmore
Morgan Alexander Dinsmore
Jessie Marie Doan
Helen Ann Dormuth
Frederic J Drewisch
Frederic W Drewisch
Josephine H Drewisch
Kathryn Joanne Drewisch
Otto Rudolph Drewisch
Frances Marie Dunbar
Norma A Dunn
Delores Lee Eastridge
Donald Glenn Eastridge
Dorothy Evaleen Eastridge
Elsia Patricia Eastridge
Emmitt Elwood Eastridge
Everett Earl Eastridge
Everett Jerome Eastridge
Lee Edwin Eastridge
Loretta June Eastridge
Marilyn Louise Eastridge
Wayne Eastridge
Sarah E Eberly
Elizabeth L. Ebersole
Christina F Eckert
Maggie Edens
Janet Elizabeth Ehrhart
William Henry Ehrhart
Andrew B Eisenhauer
Magdalena Eisenhauer
Mary Ellen Eisenhauer
Mary Magdalena Eisenhauer
Frederick R Endicott
Harry Carlyle Endicott
John Deane Endicott
John Edward Endicott
John Marion Endicott
Willard Nelson Endicott, II
Estella Lucy Ensminger
E.M. Ernquist
Beatrice C. Eschbach
Catherine M Eschbach
Christina Eschbach
Conrad Joseph Eschbach
Floribert Peter Eschbach
Frank John Eschbach
Gerald Joseph Eschbach
Henry William Eschbach
Marie Agnes Eschbach
Peter Joseph Eschbach
Rita Theodora Eschbach
William Carl Eschbach
Leon Christopher Eschback
Dorothy Espenshade
Harvey Meckley Espenshade
Elizabeth C "Lizzie" Ettline
Bennie J Fadenrecht
Paul Joseph Fettig
Dorothy E. Fields
Harriett Irene Fields
Ivis Otis Fields
Minnie L Fields
Herschel Fitch
Shirley Lynne Fitch
Thomas Miles Fitzgerald
Mary Ann Floyd
Harper Kline Flury
Arvie Lee Fogle
Maud Harriett Foley
Billie Christine Forbes
Billy David Forbes
Dorothy Anna Forbes
Ila Joanne Forbes
William Blaine Forbes
Eliza Jane Foreman
Lila Blanche Foreman
Lola Jane Foreman
Maria Jane Foreman
Marie E Freeland
Arlie Allen Freeman
Gladys Margaret French
Jesse Marion French
James Frankline Frentress
William E Frentress
Edward Thomas Fries, III
Edward Thomas Fries, Jr
Frances M. Frings
Albert McCellan Frye
Kathryn Elizabeth Funk
Eleanor Jane Gallivan
Leona M Gallivan
Mary Catherine Gallivan
Mildred Elizabeth Gallivan
Sue Katharine Gallivan
Thomas Gallivan
Thomas John Gallivan
Lucretia Josephine Gardner
William Riley Gates
Anna Catherine Geran
Nora G Gibson
Marjorie Frances Gilbert
Robert Blake Gilbert
Robert Blake Gilbert, Junior
Carrie Emma Gilkey
Kathryn Ruth Ginder
Elizabeth Gingrich
Donald Coble Gish
Ralph H. Gish
Ralph Harold Gish
Edith Glanville
Frances Lorraine Glastetter
Harry Denton Gloss
Henry Lewis Gloss
Frederick E. Gobin, Jr.
Helen Golden
William Milford Good
Eula Gramley
John Samuel Gray
Vernon Edward Gray
Vernon Louis Gray
Walter Scott Greenfield
George Thomas Grimes
Nellie Alice Grimes
Geneva Belle Grimm
Josephine Saul Gruber
Clarence Ray Hack
Helen Audrey Hack
Florence R Hacking
Barbara Jean Hagerman
Mabel Amelia Haggard
Betty Joan Hall
Carl Verden Hall
Floyd Arthur Hall
Olie Mary Hall
Louise Juanita Harer
Coy Cornelius Hargadine
Darrell Dean Hargadine
Norma Lee Hargadine
Mary Ann Harmon
Clara Elaine Harpole
James Harpole, Jr. V
Wanda Maudine Harpole
Bessie Wilma Harrison
Joseph Warren Harrison
Laura Harrison
Leda Katherine Harrison
Grover Cleveland Hartzell
Mabel Zelma Hartzell
Mamie Nora Hartzell
Mildred Thelma Hartzell
Montana Bessie Hartzell
Nellie Elizabeth Hartzell
Magdalen Catherine Hayes
Harry Lester Heady
Mattie E. Heavener
Hugh Thomas Heavner
Mildred Marie Heavner
Norma Jean Heavner
Elias Morse Heisey
Jean Charlotte Heisey
Robert Lee Helsley
B.L. Henderson
Ernest Edward Henderson
Warren Gamalile Henderson
Catherine Margaret Hendricks
Bertha A Henris
Rosa Veronica Hermes
Zella Marie Hess
Donald Edward Hesting
John Edward Hesting
Lawrence Richard Hesting
Corinne Marie Hilgeman
Everett Henry Hilgeman
Harold Ray Hirzel
John Joseph Hirzel
Linus P Hirzel
Stephen Hirzel
Virgel Albert Hirzel
Jane Hoggatt
William Raymond Hoggatt
Elizabeth Jane Holland
John Henry Holland
Lowell Lloyd Holland
Markham Holland
Samuel Herman Holland
Cecil Elmo Hollen
Charles M Hollen
Edward Nelson Hollen
Evelyn Eileen Hollen
Everett O. Hollen
Fannie Golda Hollen
Geneva Louise Hollen
George Edwin Hollen
Henry Earl Hollen
John Henry Hollen
Lawrence Leon Hollen
Margaret Ruth Hollen
Marylyn Brucene Hollen
Mayme Edith Mae Hollen
Minnie Myrtle Hollen
P.C. Hollen
Catherine Louise Holley
Maude Holston
Bessie E Holtry
Emily H Hopkins
Gwen Meredith Hoskinson
Verda Alene Hotze
Elvin Laverne House
Rita Jane House
Benjamin F Howell
Mary Howells
Goldie Lue Huffman
Caroline Elizabeth Hunt
John Alfred Hunter
Nancy Leona Hunter
Thomas Ferguson Hunter
Virginia C Hunter
Juanita Lucille Hupp
Raymond A Irick
Veneta Ethel Irick
Harvey Milton Jackson
Omar Lee Jackson
Mary Jacobowitz
Robert Wilford Jacobs
John L Jarvis
Clayton Henry Johnson, III
Harry Joseph Johnson, Jr.
Kathleen Anna Johnson
Louis E Johnson
Maude Mae Johnson
Richard Donald Johnson
Beulah Mae Jones
Charlena Frances Jones
Ethel Deborah Jones
George N. Judd
Cecelia C. Just
Jack Gene Kaiser
Dorothy B Karst
Monica Anna Karst
Rosa Anna Karst
Mary Ann Kasper
Caroline Kaster
Annette Norma Kaul
Fanny Kearns
Amos Willis Kellams, Junior
Larry Willis Kellams
Lora Alice Kendall
Asher Eugene Kennedy
Gloria Jean Kennedy
Vivian Lucille Kepner
Elizabeth F Kiernan
Edward John Kindler
Eva Jeanne Kindler
Elmer Roscoe King
Everett R King
Helen Blanche King
M. Opal King
Opha King
Ruby Agnes King
Grace K. Kinnamon
Daniel Webster Kinsey
Dora Deliah Kinsey
Ruth Velma Kiper
Iva Pearl Kirby
Clarence Edward Kiser
Clarence Edward Kiser, Jr
Donald J Kiser
Helen Margaret Kiser
Louis Boyd Kiser
Virginia Lois Kiser
William Robert Kiser
William Dean Klein
Frederick Henry Klinker
Frederick Joseph Klinker
Donald R. Knapp
Robert Donald Knapp
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